High School Math

Math notes from high school including AMC, cryptography, calc 3, and linear algebra.


I got an internship at Boise State University's (BSU) 2022 Data-driven Security REU. I worked with Cassi Chen (UC Berkeley) and Paul Vanderveen (BSU).

Professor Liljana Babinkostova, Professor Edoardo Serra, and Ph.D. student Aparna Sankaran oversaw our research.

We researched deep-learning power analysis attacks on SCHWAEMM and GIFT, two lightweight cryptosystems.

The following files are notes I/we took during the REU.

American Mathematics Competition

The American Mathematics Competition is a group of competitions for secondary students. The AMC 10 and 12 are tests for students in grade 10 and 12, respectively, or below.

You can find past AMCs here.

Below are notes that are helpful for AMC 10/12:

Linear Algebra

Linear algebra is essential foundational knowledge for almost anything in applied mathematics. Here are the notes I took based on MATH 301 - Introduction to Linear Algebra with Professor Stephen Brill at Boise State University.

Multivariable Calculus

Below are notes I took in MATH 275 - Multivariable and Vector Calculus with Professor Shari Ultman at Boise State University.