Computer Vision — Week 8

Hey! My name’s Michel Liao. I’m a computer science first-year at Princeton University, hoping to get a PhD in computer vision. Join me in my CV journey!



I finished this optical flow series by Professor Shree Nayar. Notes here!

Mini Projects

None. Focused on paper-reading this week.

Course Progress

Finished Coursera’s Neural Networks and Deep Learning course! Notes are here.

Now I’m on Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization, and Optimization.

Paper of the Week

Both papers were sent to me by Erich Liang.

How to Read a Paper - Srinivasan Keshav

The Three-Pass Approach:

  1. First pass: 5-10 minutes
    1. Do not annotate
    2. Carefully read the title, abstract, and introduction
    3. Read the headings
    4. Read the conclusions
    5. Glance over references and mentally note which ones you’ve read
  2. Second pass: 1 hour
    1. Annotate
    2. Read the entire paper more carefully but ignore details like proofs
    3. Pay attention to figures
    4. Mark unread references for later reading
  3. Third pass: 4-5 hours
    1. Reimplement the paper
    2. Challenge assumptions and note ideas for future work

RAFT: Recurrent All-Pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow - Zachary Teed and Jia Deng

I’m still working on reading and making a presentation for this paper. Presentation link is here.

Going Forward

I’m going to continue reading RAFT and working on Coursera. If I have time, I’ll implement logistic regression from scratch, post about cross-correlation from scratch, or build a NN with PyTorch.

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